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Growing Blind (Poem by Rainer Maria Rilke)

Growing Blind By Rainer Maria Rilke Among all the others there sat a guest Who sipped her tea as if one apart, And she held her...

In a Disused Graveyard (Poem by Robert Lee Frost)

In a Disused Graveyard By  Robert Lee Frost The living come with grassy tread To read the gravestones on the hill; The graveyard draws the l...

The Lover Tells of the Rose in His Heart (Poem by William Butler Yeats)

The Lover Tells of the Rose in His Heart By William Butler Yeats All things uncomely and broken, all things worn out and old, ...

Fallen Majesty (Poem by William Butler Yeats)

Fallen Majesty By William Butler Yeats Although crowds gathered once if she but showed her face, And even old men’s eyes grew d...

The Heart of the Woman (Poem by William Butler Yeats)

The Heart of the Woman By William Butler Yeats O what to me the little room That was brimmed up with prayer and rest; He bade ...

The Ships of Memory (Poem by Frank Oliver Call)

The Ships of Memory By  Frank Oliver Call The silent ships of memory creep     Across the seas of long ago; Like phantoms, on a tideless dee...

Mary Callaghan and Me (Poem by Gilbert Parker)

Mary Callaghan and Me By  Gilbert Parker It was as fine a churchful as you ever clapt an eye on;     Oh, the bells was ringin’ gaily, and th...