At Sea (Poem by Gilbert Parker)

Poem Examples

At Sea
By Gilbert Parker

Through the round window above, the deep palpable blue,
    The wan bright moon, and the sweet stinging breath of the sea;
And below, in the shadows, thine eyes like stars,
    And Love brooding low, and the warm white glory of thee.

Oh, soft was the song in my soul, and soft beyond thought were thy lips,
And thou wert mine own, and Eden reconquered was mine
And the way that I go is the way of thy feet, and the breath that I breathe,
It hath being from thee and life from the life that is thine!

Poem Analysis:

"At Sea" by Gilbert Parker is a romantic and evocative poem that captures the essence of love and longing amidst the vastness of the ocean. Through vivid imagery and lyrical language, Parker explores the profound connection between the speaker and their beloved, painting a picture of emotional intensity and intimacy.

Setting the Scene: The poem opens with a description of the sea as seen through a round window, creating a sense of enclosure and intimacy. The "deep palpable blue" of the sea evokes a feeling of serenity and tranquility, setting the stage for the emotional journey that follows.

Imagery and Sensory Details: Parker employs rich sensory imagery to evoke the atmosphere of the scene. The "wan bright moon" and the "sweet stinging breath of the sea" appeal to the reader's senses, immersing them in the experience of the ocean's beauty and power. The contrast between the moon's soft light and the sea's vibrant energy adds depth to the imagery.

Symbolism of Love: The poem introduces the theme of love through the imagery of the beloved's eyes "like stars" and the presence of Love itself, personified as a companion on the journey. This symbolism reinforces the idea of love as a guiding force, illuminating the darkness and providing comfort and warmth amidst the vastness of the sea.

Intimacy and Longing: The speaker's reflections on their beloved evoke a sense of intimacy and longing. The mention of "thy lips" and the reference to the beloved as "mine own" convey a deep sense of connection and possession. The speaker's longing for their beloved is palpable, heightening the emotional intensity of the poem.

Unity and Devotion: The final lines of the poem emphasize the speaker's profound devotion to their beloved. The speaker declares that they are inseparable from their beloved, sharing the same path and drawing life from each other. This theme of unity underscores the transformative power of love and the sense of completeness it brings to the speaker's life.

In conclusion, "At Sea" by Gilbert Parker is a romantic ode to love and longing, beautifully capturing the essence of connection amidst the vastness of the ocean. Through its vivid imagery, emotional depth, and lyrical language, the poem invites readers to contemplate the transformative power of love and the enduring nature of human connection.