In May (Poem by Duncan Campbell Scott)

Poem Examples

In May
By Duncan Campbell Scott

The clouds that veil the early day
    Are very near and soft and fine,
The heaven peeps between the gray,
    A luminous and pearly line.

The breeze is up, now soft, now full,
    And moulds the vapor light as fleece,
It trembles, then, with drip and lull,
    The rain drifts gently through the trees.

It trails into a silver blur,
    And hangs about the cherry tops
That sprinkle, with the wind astir,
    In little sudden whirls of drops.

The apple orchards, banked with bloom,
    Are drenched and dripping with the wet,
And on the breeze their deep perfume
    Grows and fades by and lingers yet.

In some green covert far remote
    The oven-bird is never still,
And, golden-throat to golden-throat,
    The orioles warble on the hill.

Now over all the gem-like woods
    The delicate mist is blown again,
And after dripping interludes
    Lets down the lulling silver rain.

Poem Analysis:

"In May" by Duncan Campbell Scott is a vivid and evocative poem that captures the essence of a rainy spring day in May. Through rich imagery and sensory language, Scott paints a picture of the natural world coming alive with the arrival of rain after the grayness of early morning clouds.

Atmospheric Setting: The poem opens with a description of the clouds veiling the early day, setting a soft and fine atmosphere. The sky, with its luminous and pearly line peeking through the gray clouds, creates a sense of anticipation for the rain to come.

Sensory Experience: Scott masterfully engages the reader's senses throughout the poem. The breeze, described as soft and full, molds the vapor like fleece, and the rain drifts gently through the trees, creating a soothing and atmospheric ambiance. The reader can almost feel the dampness in the air and hear the gentle patter of raindrops.

Natural Beauty: The poem celebrates the beauty of nature in springtime, particularly the blossoming apple orchards. Despite being drenched and dripping with rain, the orchards emit a deep perfume that lingers in the air. This imagery highlights the sensory richness of the scene and underscores the rejuvenating power of spring rain.

Avian Presence: Scott incorporates the presence of birds into the landscape, adding to the sense of vitality and renewal. The oven-bird, described as never still in some green covert, and the orioles warbling on the hill evoke a sense of harmony with nature and the arrival of warmer weather.

Interplay of Mist and Rain: The poem concludes with an interplay of mist and rain, as the delicate mist is blown over the gem-like woods, followed by intermittent showers that lull the senses. This cyclical pattern of mist and rain adds to the rhythmic flow of the poem and emphasizes the transient beauty of the natural world.

In summary, "In May" by Duncan Campbell Scott is a beautifully crafted poem that captures the sensory richness and transient beauty of a rainy spring day. Through vivid imagery and lyrical language, Scott invites the reader to immerse themselves in the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world awakening to the arrival of May rain.