Screw-Gun Mules (Poem by Rudyard Kipling)

Famous Poem

Screw-Gun Mules
By Rudyard Kipling

As me and my companions were scrambling up a hill,
The path was lost in rolling stones, but we went forward still;
For we can wriggle and climb, my lads, and turn up everywhere,
And it's our delight on a mountain height, with a leg or two to spare!

Good luck to every sergeant, then, that lets us pick our road!
Bad luck to all the driver-men that cannot pack a load!
For we can wriggle and climb, my lads, and turn up everywhere,
And it's our delight on a mountain height, with a leg or two to spare!

Poem Analysis:

"Screw-Gun Mules" by Rudyard Kipling is a lively and spirited poem that celebrates the resilience, resourcefulness, and agility of the screw-gun mules in the face of challenging terrain and conditions.

Title: The title "Screw-Gun Mules" immediately draws attention to the central subject of the poem - the mules tasked with transporting screw-guns, a type of artillery piece, through difficult terrain.

Narrative Voice: The poem is narrated from the perspective of a member of the group accompanying the screw-gun mules. The narrator's tone is cheerful and confident, reflecting the camaraderie and resilience of the group.

Description of Terrain: The poem describes the challenging terrain the group encounters as they climb a hill. The path is obscured by rolling stones, presenting obstacles to their progress. Despite the difficult conditions, the group presses forward with determination.

Resilience and Adaptability: The poem celebrates the mules' ability to navigate treacherous terrain with agility and adaptability. The mules, like the narrator and his companions, possess the skill to "wriggle and climb" and "turn up everywhere," showcasing their resourcefulness and resilience.

Sense of Adventure: There is a sense of adventure and excitement in the poem as the narrator and his companions tackle the challenges of the mountain. The group's delight in navigating the heights and overcoming obstacles is evident throughout the poem.

Acknowledgment of Skill: The narrator expresses admiration for the sergeants who allow them to choose their own path and disdain for the driver-men who struggle to pack a load. This reflects a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among the group members.

Repetition and Rhythm: Kipling employs repetition and rhythm to create a sense of energy and momentum in the poem. The repeated lines "For we can wriggle and climb, my lads, and turn up everywhere" emphasize the group's confidence and resilience.

Themes: "Screw-Gun Mules" explores themes of resilience, adaptability, camaraderie, and the triumph of the human (and animal) spirit in the face of adversity. It celebrates the resourcefulness and skill of those who navigate challenging environments with determination and ingenuity.

In conclusion, "Screw-Gun Mules" is a spirited and celebratory poem that pays tribute to the resilience and agility of the screw-gun mules and their human companions. Through its lively narration and vivid imagery, the poem captures the adventurous spirit and camaraderie of those who brave the rugged landscapes of the mountains.