The Sleeper (Poem by Duncan Campbell Scott)

Poem Examples

The Sleeper
By Duncan Campbell Scott

Touched with some divine repose,
    Isabelle has fallen asleep,
Like the perfume from the rose
    In and out her breathings creep.

Dewy are her rosy palms,
    In her cheek the flushes flit,
And a dream her spirit calms
    With the pleasant thought of it.

All the rounded heavens show
    Like the concave of a pearl,
Stars amid the opal glow
    Little fronds of flame unfurl.

Then upfloats a planet strange,
    Not the moon that mortals know,
With a magic mountain range,
    Cones and craters white as snow;

Something different yet the same  —  
    Rain by rainbows glorified,
Roses lit with lambent flame — 
    'Tis the maid moon’s other side.

When the sleeper floats from sleep,
    She will smile the vision o’er,
See the veinéd valleys deep,
    No one ever saw before.

Yet the moon is not betrayed,
    (Ah! the subtle Isabelle!)
She’s a maiden, and a maid
    Maiden secrets will not tell.

Poem Analysis:

Duncan Campbell Scott's "The Sleeper" is a mesmerizing poem that delves into the realm of dreams, unveiling the ethereal beauty and mystery that encompasses the sleeping mind. Let's embark on an analysis of this enchanting piece:

The Sleeping Beauty: The poem opens with the image of Isabelle, the sleeper, enveloped in a divine repose. Scott portrays her as a figure touched by an otherworldly tranquility, evoking the image of a sleeping princess awaiting the kiss of awakening. This sets the stage for the dream-like journey that unfolds.

Sensory Imagery: Scott employs vivid sensory imagery to paint a picture of Isabelle's slumber. Her breath is likened to the perfume from a rose, emphasizing the delicate and ephemeral nature of her repose. Dewy palms and rosy cheeks evoke freshness and innocence, while the opalescent glow of the heavens adds to the ethereal atmosphere.

The Dreamworld Unveiled: As Isabelle drifts deeper into sleep, Scott describes the emergence of a fantastical vision. A celestial landscape unfolds, with stars shimmering amid opal hues and a mysterious planet coming into view. The imagery evokes a sense of wonder and enchantment, as the ordinary world is transformed into something extraordinary.

Moon's Other Side: The poem takes a surreal turn as Scott describes a vision of the moon unlike any seen before. This "other side" of the moon is depicted as a magical realm, with snow-white mountain ranges and valleys veined with secrets. The imagery is fantastical yet tinged with a sense of mystery, inviting interpretation and contemplation.

The Maiden's Secret: Scott concludes the poem with a tantalizing suggestion that Isabelle, upon waking, will retain the memory of her dream but will keep its secrets hidden. This adds a layer of intrigue to the narrative, hinting at the enigmatic depths of the sleeping mind and the allure of its mysteries.

Symbolism and Allegory: "The Sleeper" can be interpreted as an allegory for the power of dreams and the human imagination. Isabelle's journey through the dreamworld symbolizes the creative potential of the mind and its ability to transcend the limitations of reality. The moon's other side serves as a metaphor for the hidden depths of the subconscious, where secrets and wonders abound.

Beauty in Mystery: Overall, "The Sleeper" celebrates the beauty and mystery of the sleeping mind. Scott invites readers to embrace the enchantment of dreams and to ponder the profound mysteries that lie within. The poem serves as a reminder of the boundless creativity and imagination that reside within each of us, waiting to be unlocked in moments of repose.

In conclusion, "The Sleeper" by Duncan Campbell Scott is a captivating exploration of dreams and the hidden realms of the mind. Through vivid imagery and allegorical depth, Scott invites readers on a journey into the enchanting world of sleep, where beauty and mystery intertwine in a tapestry of wonder.